In my psychology class we learned a story (could be apocryphal) that people were remarking there were no more Coca Cola advertisements. Coca Cola was obviously concerned, since they spent so much money on advertising, so they looked into it. Turns out, they had saturated the market with so much advertising, that people subconsciously blocked it out as background noise.

This is the problem the online world has. All the key players are online, and everyone’s tuned them out. You can scream into your keyboard all day long that the vaccine kills, but no one notices anymore…. Take that message to the streets and the game changes instantly.

Think they don’t know this? You can type any antisemetic, anti Muslim, racist diatribe all day long in the internet and no one cares outside of hypochondriac twitter users. If you’re cheeky about it and beat the algorithm, it wont even be taken down. Now go to YouTube and type in “Antisemetic flyers” or “it’s okay to be white signs” or “Islam is right about women.” You’ll find legit news segments, wringing their hands over it. You’ll see the FBI investigates signsthat says “it’s okay to be white.” They know the power of advertising, and they know it’s diluted online.

The point of all that is… take 5th gen warfare to the streets. Make stickers, stencils, shirts, make it hip and cool. There’s the awakening. There’s the audience. That’s the next battlefield. What’s old is new.

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Agreed that this is information warfare, but we will also need to push for legal action. Hard to contribute to the public library of information when your card has been rescinded.

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Found you through Dr. Malone's substack. I want to learn as much as I can about this 5GW. I want to learn it and use it until they succeed in killing me. History is watching,.

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So, if you happen to ever peruse the Moon of Alabama blog there is much speculation and attempted explanation and troll behavior evident regarding the recent ukie offensive actions and the new cauldron they are trying to make for themselves, and these are actions of real war with folks dying on the field of battle........my guess is that the mental war has basically entered into a new stage and only the strong will survive. The mentally strong.

The gubment may have the means to implement various ambitions, but the ambitions of any federal gubment are destined to failure and the ambitions of a few who thought they could win a mental war against the many are fixing to be refuted in an irrefutable manner.

Watch and sense it - it is happening as I type this. Time will tell as it always does.

I had a friend who died early in the year, somebody special to me, but I know this.....his spirit was and is indominatable and I feel his spirit as I type this now. Rowan was his first name.

So, if I get a response to this, I'll likely subscribe and I might subscribe even if I don't, but if I don't, I probably won't, because......well, think about it.

Know what I mean?


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I've been saying for awhile that the "war" we find ourselves in these days is a mental war. Many have already been blown away mentally, but some of us have not, we have immunity, and moreover we are ready to fight to the end. Ruthlessly if need be. Viscously mentally against the harm pushers.

I agree with another poster here (Johnny truthseeker) in regards to efficacy of "making a difference" - at base level it will happen locally, person-to-person, talking and communicating face-to-face honestly with understanding that this is a mental war to the death. It takes mental fortitude to prevail, but it can happen one peasant at a time recognizing that federal forces do not have our interest in mind. It helps to have principles based on commonweal, and in fact without that amongst the banner holders in this mental war we unwillingly find ourselves within, there is no chance to push back the perpetuators of harm.....so have principles based upon commonweal if you want to prevail and make a difference for the better.

Peace is easy,


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 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


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"Another problem with the Wikipedia definition is that some weapons are missing. An important example is the use of human telepathic abilities as weapons. Telepathy has been used as a weapon for centuries. Military agencies and secret organizations around the world have been researching and developing effective telepathic weapons for decades."

I find this impossible to believe.

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